Sharyland Utilities announced today that its customers will now become customers of Oncor.  This deal is a part of the settlements in PUC Docket 46957 – Application of Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC for Authority to Change Rates, and PUC Docket 45414 – Review of the Rates of Sharyland Utility Company.  In essence, the Sharyland Distribution system will be moved over to Oncor, and Sharyland retail customers will all become Oncor customers and be served under Oncor rates.  In exchange, Oncor is moving some transmission assets to Sharyland.  Sharyland Utilities will continue to provide wholesale transmission service in Texas.

TCGA is a party in both of these cases, and has been working to be sure this deal is the best possible for all of our members.  TCGA will also be monitoring PUC Docket 47392 – Joint Report and Application of Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC, and Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company for Regulatory Approvals Pursuant to PURA §§ 14.101, 39.262 AND 39.915.  This is the case which will approve the purchase of Oncor by Berkshire Hathaway.

An additional case should be filed very soon that will solidify the details of the switch in assets, and move the proper certificates of authority to the proper utility.  TCGA believes this settlement is very good news for the retail customers of Sharyland, as this case will eliminate the old Sharyland retail rates.  More details will be made available as this issue moves forward, but from this point forward the main issue relates to the timing of the move – it will take a while to get the certificates transferred, then it will take a little longer before the REPS can get their accounting systems ready for the change.  Hopefully this will all be completed by the beginning of ginning season.  We will keep you all posted as this issue moves forward.