We have received a few calls from ginners who were having trouble getting their FDA registration renewal completed.  This is an online system, so you do have to have your user name and password to get into their system.  To get to the renewal system, you first have to check the Food Facility Registration Box, then you hit the “Update System Access”  Button.  Sometimes you have to do this twice for it to work properly.  After this, you click on the “Food Facility Registration” link.  The side bar will update itself, and you will now see a link that says “Biennial Registration Renewal”.   Click on that link and follow the instructions.  You will check all your information – contact names, addresses, etc.  Once you have checked all this, there is a button to submit the renewal.

This renewal is due between October 1 and December 31 on even numbered years.  Click here to access the FDA web site in order to renew your registration.

If you have trouble logging in, and need to get your password reset, visit https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FoodFacilityRegistration/ucm073725.htm for information on resetting your password or call the FDA Helpdesk at 1-800-216-7331 or 240-247-8804 for further assistance.

Please give us a call if you have problems getting your registration renewed.