The Centers for Disease Control recently updated their Covid-19 Guidelines.  These new updates decreased the time quarantine/isolation time required after being exposed or contracting Covid-19.  As usual, the government managed to make the guidelines more complex incorporating vaccination status into the decision process.  We will attempt to summarize the important parts to this new guideline here.

The main terms you need to consider are Quarantine, Close Contact and Isolation.  The employee should “Quarantine” if they are exposed (Close Contact) to anyone with Covid-19.  “Close Contact” means you were less than 6 feet away from an infected employee for a cumulative time of 15 minutes over a 24-hour period.  The employee should “Isolate” if they are sick or infected with Covid-19.

What happens if employee if exposed and is NOT up to date on vaccination status? – The employee should quarantine for (5) days and wear a mask if around others.  Even if they do not develop symptoms, they should get tested at least (5) days after exposure.  If they do not have any symptoms, they can return to work but should wear a mask for (5) more days and monitor for symptoms.

What happens if employee is exposed and IS up to date on vaccination status? –  The employee does not need to quarantine unless they are showing symptoms.  Even if they do not develop symptoms, they should get tested at least (5) days after exposure.  Watch for symptoms and wear a mask for (10) days after exposure.  If they develop symptoms, they should isolate.

What happens if employee tests positive or has symptoms regardless of vaccination status? –  The employee should stay home (isolate) and wear a mask when around others.  If they employee had symptoms but no test, they can stop isolation in (5) days if they do not have a fever for 24 hours with no aid from medication and symptoms are improving.  If employee had positive test, they can stop isolation in (5) days after test.  Employees should continue to wear a mask for (10) days after exposure.  If employee was severely ill, they should isolate for at least (10) days and consult a doctor.

There are many more details to these guidelines, including additional criteria for someone who recently had Covid.  You can go directly to them by clicking here.  As always if you have questions about these or any other rules affecting your ginning operations, please give your association office a call.  We will be glad to help you in any way possible.