Since 1997, the TCGA, in conjunction with the National Cotton Ginners’ Association and other Regional Associations, have maintained a publication called “A Ginner’s Practical Guide to Compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSPA).   This guide was originally developed in conjunction with the US Department of Labor folks in Lubbock.  This guide is very comprehensive and is an excellent source for information on how to comply with all things related to labor in cotton gins.

One major addition to the current guide is an explanation of the H-2A regulations as they apply to cotton gin employees.  Ann Margaret Pointer, a prominent attorney with Fisher & Phillips, LLC was our lead on this version of the Guide, as well as the previous version of the Guide, issued in 2008.

We have maintained this Guide on our “Labor and Hiring Resources” page on our web site, and the new version is now available on that page.  To access the Guide directly, you can also simply click here.

As always, please give us a call if you have questions about this, or any other labor related matter at your gin.