Please see the following important message from the National Cotton Council’s Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee:  



Date:       July 5, 2023

To:          Cotton Ginners

From:      Chris Berry, Chairman
Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee

Subject:   Reminder – USDA Commodity Credit Corporation Form CCC-809, Cooperating Ginner’s
Bagging and Bale Ties Certification and Agreement

As the season begins, I am reminding my fellow ginners that several years ago USDA changed renewal rules for form CCC-809, the “Cooperating Ginner’s Bagging and Bale Ties Certification and Agreement”.  Annual renewals are no longer required.  Instead, once a form CCC-809 is signed and returned to the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), it remains in force until terminated in writing by the ginner or CCC.  The form is available at  Current, executed CCC-809 forms should be on file at Farm Service Agency (FSA) county offices, if there are any questions about the status of a gin’s certification.

Form CCC-809 states that “…CCC and the cotton industry desire that ginners assist producers in maintaining the eligibility of their cotton for CCC loans by using bagging and bale ties that meet the Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials (“the specifications”) approved and published by the Joint Cotton Industry Bale Packaging Committee (”JCIBPC”), and incorporated by reference in the Cotton Loan Program Regulations (7 CFR Part 1427) issued by CCC.”  In a separate paragraph, the form states that “…the ginner may purchase and use on cotton at such gins (a) non-specification bagging and/or ties properly identified with the testing program of the Experimental Bale Packaging Program sponsored by the JCIBPC …” to protect their producers CCC loan eligibility.

Specifications for Cotton Bale Packaging Materials are published electronically by the National Cotton Council (NCC) on the organization’s Bale Packaging webpage and can be viewed at  The “JCIBPC Lists of Approved Manufacturers” referenced in the CCC-809 can be located on the right hand side of the NCC Bale Packaging page’s navigation pane at

The JCIBPC mission to “Preserve the quality of U.S. cotton fiber for mill consumption through the development of standards for cotton bales, including safe and environmentally-friendly materials, methods and systems for packaging, handling and tagging” relies on ginner participation in test programs and evaluation of the tested material’s performance. To determine if a packaging material is in a JCIBPC sanctioned test program, check out the “Test Program Review” section of the current specifications at

Please direct your bale packaging and experimental test program questions to Lauren Krogman at the NCC at 901.274.9030 or